The IGU team in November attended a number of key events, including COP 22 Marrakech and Gas Week at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
In terms of COP 22, there was generally broad agreement that this COP was to move from the inspiration of the Paris Agreement to implementation through a number of rules, modalities, and procedures. As such, the conference was very technical in nature. While the expectation was high, spirits were noticeably dampened by the results of the US election.
The IGU continued to push the message that gas has a very significant role in the energy mix and that if policy makers are really serious about meeting their INDC’s commitments, that they would look to the greater use of gas. While at COP 22 the IGU team also took the opportunity to meet with a number of strategic partners to advance discussions around greater and more effective collaboration.
The IGU also teamed up with GasNaturally to participate and contribute to the Gas Week events held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. IGU members attended all of the sessions and participated in a number of discussion panels related to the benefits of greater use of natural gas in Europe