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  • IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum in Madrid concludes “Natural Gas to have a Fundamental Role in the Future Sustainable Energy Mix”

The 5th IGU Diplomatic Gas Forum was held in Madrid, Spain, on 22 November. The level and interest of the participants suggest that it is an event that could deliver value if staged in other countries. About 70 delegates from embassies of 30 countries and all regions attended the event.

The programme included seven speakers from the IEA, UNECE, Gas Natural Fenosa, DNV GL and Statoil. The Norwegian ambassador to Spain, Helge Skaara, attended and opened the event together with Rafael Villaseca, CEO of Gas Natural Fenosa, and Antoni Peris, Chairman of Sedigas and General Director of Regulated Business.

The presentations and debate pointed that gas has a key role in improving urban air quality and combating climate change. In fact, they all agreed that natural gas will be the foundation fuel of the energy mix going forward. Only one threat can change this: fugitive methane emissions. The industry must continue to combat fugitive emissions and initiatives must be taken on.

Presentations from the event can be accessed here:

“IEA – World Energy Outlook 2017. A special focus on the natural gas revolution”.
Mr Johannes Trueby. Energy Analyst, co-lead of gas contents of WEO. International Energy Agency (IEA)

“LNG enabling a more sustainable marine transport”.
Mr Joaquín Mendiluce. Managing Director Gas Natural Comercializadora. Gas Natural Fenosa

“Co-benefits of natural gas in air quality and climate change”.
Mr Amado Gil. Head of Climate Change Department. Gas Natural Fenosa

“Role of gas in a 2050 perspective and key emerging technologies”.
Mr Ben Oudman. Country Manager and Head of Gas Consulting. DNV GL

“Norwegian gas in a European perspective”.
Ms Margrethe Snapa. Vice President Origination and Marketing. Statoil ASA

Bio Booklet.
Full programme.

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