LNG2023: Half a Century as Industry Leader 

After more than 50 years the world’s premier LNG event comes to Russia for the first time with St. Petersburg hosting LNG2023. Following the success of LNG2019 in Shanghai the event moves from one of the dynamically growing importers of LNG to a top ranking innovative LNG exporter – see the IGU 2020 World LNG Report.

There has never been a more important time for the LNG industry to come together to discuss and debate the strategic prospects, the commercial opportunities and the technical innovations that will power our future for the next 5O years.  And there is no better place to meet than LNG2023 which will continue to both create and capture the path of our industry.

Event owners, the International Gas Union, GTI and the International Institute of Refrigeration together with Gazprom as a Host are delighted to invite you to the 20th Anniversary edition of the International Conference & Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas – LNG2023 to be held on July 3-7, 2023 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Want to know more? Visit our website at LNG2023 or  email us.

Looking forward to welcoming you in St. Petersburg!


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2020 World LNG Report
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IGU World LNG Report 2019
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2018 World LNG Report (27th World Gas Conference Edition)
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