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Coordination Committee

Last updated 02/26/21

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Group Administrator Seyoung Ha

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The 2018-2021 Triennial Work Program (TWP) will build on the momentum of previous Presidencies to enhance the role of the International Gas Union (IGU) as the Global Voice of Gas.

The world is on the brink of an unprecedented transformation of the global energy mix while facing the challenge of coping with ever-increasing global energy demand, the need to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, and the mission to bring affordable energy to the tens of millions of people who don’t have it.

IGU as the global voice of gas, has been focused on tackling these critically important global issues. As such, the previous USA Presidency spent tremendous efforts to deal with the challenges that the energy industry is facing and with considerable achievement. But, much more has to be done.

To this end, we embark on a journey to A Sustainable Future Powered by Gas as an Affordable, Accessible and Abundant energy source.

Under the themes of, Environmental Leadership, Market Vitality, and Value Creation we will present compelling, credible and factual arguments why gas is well positioned to be a catalyst to the energy transition. We will do so by working through cross-industry and member collaboration and innovation.

The Korean Presidency is ready to establish a platform to execute these three functions: strong advocacy, transparent governance and delivering value to members.

We respect the voice of IGU members and will strive to deliver tangible outcomes to meet your needs.

Welcome to the World Gas Conference 2021, welcome to Korea.


2018-2021 Triennial Work Program(TWP)

Calendar_Schedule of 2020 1H Committee meetings-updated 3 April 2020


Environmental Leadership

  • Overcoming environmental challenges
  • Enhancement of energy efficiency
  • Advocacy for policy and public acceptance


Market Vitality

  • Affordability
  • Flexibility
  • Strategic partnership & policy cooperation


Value Creation

  • Technological innovation
  • Collaboration with renewable energies
  • Accessibility improvement

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6th Coordination Committee for testing

welcome the next cc meeting

Published on March 16, 2021

May 20-20, 2021

5th Coordination Committee Meeting

5th Coordination Committee Online Meeting

Published on December 4, 2020

October 21-21, 2020
Daegu, South Korea

4th Coordination Committee Meeting

Published on December 4, 2020

May 19-19, 2020
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[avatar user="89"]
Seyoung Ha

[avatar user="28"]
Hyunchang KIM

[avatar user="45"]
Tatiana Khanberg

[avatar user="6"]
IGU test

[avatar user="61"]
Harry Whitaker

[avatar user="72"]
Gulnaz Kolokolova


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  • Date Uploaded
  • 2018-2021 TWP Presentation 29 June WGC2018
  • IGU test
  • 01 / 19 / 2021
2018-2021 TWP Presentation 29 June WGC2018 IGU test 01 / 19 / 2021
  • Key Messages from CC_2018 Fall
  • IGU test
  • 11 / 26 / 2020
Key Messages from CC_2018 Fall IGU test 11 / 26 / 2020
  • Updates from CC_2019 Spring
  • IGU test
  • 11 / 26 / 2020
Updates from CC_2019 Spring IGU test 11 / 26 / 2020
  • General Guide for 2018-2021 Triennial Work Program Report
  • IGU test
  • 01 / 19 / 2021
General Guide for 2018-2021 Triennial Work Program Report IGU test 01 / 19 / 2021

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