• Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Members of IGU

The more than 160 members of IGU are associations and corporations of the gas industry representing over 95% of the global gas market.

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*Status as of June 2020
As the global voice of gas, IGU seeks to improve the quality of life by advancing gas as a key contributor to a sustainable energy future. These are the four categories of membership:

Charter Members

A charter member is the most representative gas entity in a country, most commonly the national gas association or a major oil and gas company. However, some Charter members are also represented by ministries and national regulators.

See all Charter Members

Premium Associate Members

Premium Associate membership is available through an application process to Associate members. Premium Associate member status grants most of the same rights as a Charter member is entitled to. The number of members within this selected category, which is maintained for a three-year period, is limited to 15.

See all Premium Associate Members

Associate Members

Associate members include companies that own physical and/or commercial gas-related assets or have an interest in advancing the global gas industry, such as consulting, contracting, supply, technology development or advisory services.

See all Associate Members

Affiliate Organisations

Affiliate organisations are organisations that do not meet membership criteria but can assist IGU with its mission, increase and rationalise cooperation within the energy sector, and generally promote the development of the natural gas industry. Both parties benefit and work together to collaborate on similar work activities.

See all Affiliate Organisations
IGU provides insights into the latest developments across the global gas value chain through its extensive network. The IGU has been an invaluable resource throughout my career.
Marcel Kramer IGU Regional Coordinator
Marcel Kramer IGU Regional Coordinator

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