IGU Presentations

Trends and Perspectives of the Global Gas Industry,…

held by Mr Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General IGU, 12-14 September 2013, Langfang, China

Published on Sep 12, 2013 Download Presentation

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Trends and Perspectives of the Global Gas Industry,…

held by Mr Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General IGU, 25 June 2013, Bern, Switzerland

Published on Jun 25, 2013 Download Presentation

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IGU on LNG Small Scale summit

held by Mr Dirk van Slooten, Chair PGC D, 19 June 2013, Amsterdam, The…

Published on Jun 19, 2013 Download Presentation

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held by Mr Khaled Abubakr, Regional Coordinator IGU, 5 June 2013, Oslo, Norway

Published on Jun 05, 2013 Download Presentation

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Global vision for gas, the pathway towards a…

held by Mr Torstein Indrebø, Secretary General IGU, 5 June 2013, Oslo, Norway

Published on Jun 05, 2013 Download Presentation

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Natural Gas, LNG and the Baltic Sea

held by Ms Carolin Oebel, Director, 24 May 2013,Turku, Finland.

Published on May 24, 2013 Download Presentation

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