IGU Presentations


held by Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President of IGU, 31 October 2011, Australia…

Published on Oct 31, 2011 Download Presentation

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Natural gas part of the long term solution

held by Mr Hans Riddervold, Director IGU, 24 October 2011, The sixth International Energy…

Published on Oct 24, 2011 Download Presentation

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Overview of Global LNG Markets –Asia Pacific Context

held by Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President of IGU, 20 September 2011, World…

Published on Sep 20, 2011 Download Presentation

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Global Unconventional Gas Opportunities

held by Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President of IGU, 13 September 2011, Global…

Published on Sep 13, 2011 Download Presentation

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Gas: Answer to Energy Challenges

held by Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President of IGU, 21 June 2011, Vienna…

Published on Jun 21, 2011 Download Presentation

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Overview of IGU Malaysian Presidency

held by Datuk (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim, President of IGU, 8-12 June 2011, Hammerfest,…

Published on Jun 08, 2011 Download Presentation

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